Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Finding My Keys

At the beginning of the year I had a tremendous creative burst: I started this blog, increased my social networking, went wild with my hobbies, took a writing class, started to integrate technology into my practice in different way. I was moving in a hundred different directions. And then I lost my keys.

My husband said "don't worry - you never lose ANYTHING!". But I do worry. I worry that with my life so full, if I don't pay attention to a few crucial rituals, it could all fall apart.

I'm talking about rituals like ALWAYS putting my keys in the iron bowl on the table opposite the front door. If I take them upstairs to my office and put them down "for just a minute" I risk that I won't remember where they are as I fly through the myriad tasks and activities that fill my day.

I've come to believe that amid all of our choices and obligations each day, there are a few rituals that we all need to maintain in order to avoid total chaos. And that is oh so true in the workplace.

How and where we file information. Time to prepare and time to process. Rules about follow-up. What are the things that we absolutely, positively ALWAYS do so we can stay on track? So we can ALWAYS find our keys.